Why Chronic Fatigue Is More Than Just “Taking a Nap”

Hannah Rupp
2 min readAug 12, 2022


Photo by Kate Stone Matheson on Unsplash

My lifelong invisible illness evolved 5 years ago when I developed chronic fatigue and brain fog as new symptoms. During my endless lineup of appointments with medical professionals, one asked me why it was such a big deal that I was bothered because I was tired and had to take naps every day. Her tone was not curious, but condescending that I thought my health was an important issue I should pursue.

So to her and everyone else that thinks conditions that include chronic fatigue mean just “being tired”, please know it’s so much more than that.

When I have to rest my body every day, there’s a lot that I’m missing out on.

Loss of clear thinking
Loss of energy
Loss of time awake
Loss of activity
Loss of emotions
Loss of a quality life
Loss of ownership over your body
Loss of opportunities
Loss of autonomy
Loss of choice
Loss of dreams
Loss of friends and family
Loss of social life
Loss of work
Loss of trust
Loss of memories
Loss of security
Loss of personal care
Loss of money
Losing a sense of reality
Loss of connections
Loss of creativity
Loss of a routine
Loss of time to drink water and nourish my body with food
Loss of time to workout
Loss of quality time with family and friends

Sure there are some gains, but the losses far outweigh them.

Keep these things in mind the next time you want to jump to judgment (or envy) over someone whose life is mainly spent in bed. It’s not a vacation or a pleasure or anything we’d wish on our worst enemies.



Hannah Rupp

Hannah Rupp is a Wisconsin-based fashion freelancer with a love for cats, pizza, and 1980s style.